Midland-based RightAnswer.com has been chosen from among hundreds of nominees as one of the Michigan 50 Companies to Watch.
Mar 16, 2016 | Press Releases, 2016
Midland-based RightAnswer.com has been chosen from among hundreds of nominees as one of the Michigan 50 Companies to Watch.
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Individual Annual Subscription | Registration Code |
$349.00 – United States Users | 2023Tri2 |
$699.00 – International Users | 2023Tri2 |
Register & Purchase here through Aug 31, 2023
This offer applies only to Annual Subscriptions
Organization of Teratology Information Specialists (OTIS)
The OTIS experts behind MotherToBaby have created Fact Sheets that answer frequently asked questions about exposures during pregnancy and breast-feeding.
© OTIS. All rights reserved.
Reproductive Hazard Information Database
REPROTOX contains summaries on the effects of medications, chemicals, infections, and physical agents on pregnancy, reproduction, and development. The REPROTOX® system was developed by Drs. Sergio Fabro and Anthony R. Scialli of Georgetown University Medical Center and Reproductive Toxicology Center, Columbia Hospital for Women Medical Center, Washington, D.C., as an adjunct information source for clinicians, scientists, and government agencies.
©Reproductive Toxicology Center. All rights reserved.
Shepard’s Catalog of Teratogenic Agents
This data source is a compilation of scientific reviews on the teratogenic effects of more than 3700 drugs, chemicals and other physical and biological agents. The Catalog includes many references from the Japanese as well as American and European literature. Developed by Dr. Thomas H. Shepard and co-authored by Janine E. Polifka, Ph.D.
© University of Washington. All rights reserved.
Teratogen Information System – University of Washington
TERIS is a computerized database designed to assist physicians or other healthcare professionals in assessing the risks of possible teratogenic exposures in pregnant women. The database consists of a series of agent summaries, each of which is based on a thorough review of published clinical and experimental literature. Summaries may be accessed using either generic names or domestic or foreign proprietary names. Each summary includes a risk assessment derived by consensus of an advisory board comprised of nationally recognized authorities in clinical teratology. TERIS is a computerized database designed to assist physicians or other healthcare professionals in assessing the risks of possible teratogenic exposures in pregnant women. The database consists of a series of agent summaries, each of which is based on a thorough review of published clinical and experimental literature. Summaries may be accessed using either generic names or domestic or foreign proprietary names. Each summary includes a risk assessment derived by consensus of an advisory board comprised of nationally recognized authorities in clinical teratology.
©University of Washington. All rights reserved.
The University of Washington (UofW)
The University of Washington provides RightAnswer with the Teratogen Information System (TERIS) and Shepard’s Catalog of Teratogenic Agents (Shepard’s Catalog) – key data sources providing reproductive risk information for our Knowledge Solutions. This strong relationship has also led to exploring grant application opportunities.
Individual Annual Subscription | Registration Code |
$129.00 – United States Users | 2021Tri2 |
$259.00 – International Users | 2021Tri2 |
Register & Purchase here through Sept 30, 2021
This offer applies only to Annual Subscriptions
RightAnswer offers enhanced search capabilities in their OnLine™ and OnSite™ Applications as well as their OnHand™ mobile interface – all the integrated data available via a targeted content search. The new search format is designed to deliver targeted search results with fewer clicks. We have added the ability to search on targeted Areas of Interest to allow you to quickly drill down to the information you need.
For example, you can search on a desired chemical name, and narrow your search to a particular topic in Areas of Interest – and your search results will take you to that specific section/information in the documents returned (no need to page through lengthy documents looking for the relevant information).
Areas of Interest include (but are not limited to):
Chemical Identification Handling/Storage/Shipping/Waste Management Personal Protection Physical Hazards/Corrective Response Actions (M)SDS Documents Report Abstracts and Studies … and more |
Toxicology/Health Hazards/Exposure Environmental Hazards Physical/Chemical Properties Regulatory/Standards/Labels Reproductive Risk First Aid/Medical Treatment … and more |
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RightAnswer.com, Inc.
Midland, MI
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European Government Agencies:
— European Chemicals Agency
— European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances
United States Government Agencies:
— Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
— ChemIDPlus
— National Health & Environmental Research Library
— National Institutes of Health
— National Institutes of Standards & Technology
— National Library of Medicine
— Occupational Health & Safety
— US Agency for Toxic Substances & Diseases
— US Department of Agriculture
— US Department of Health & Human Services
— US Food and Drug Administration
— US National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration – Office of Response & Restoration
RightAnswer.com provides the regulatory compliance information from their RegsLink® System to Verisk 3E, which then integrates this information into their Regulatory Reference 3E Insight tools.
Principals from Print Systems, Inc. and RightAnswer have a long history of success.
For more than 25 years, we have worked together to solve industrial labeling challenges for some of the world’s largest chemical companies.
Provided by ChemADVISOR, the Chemical Regulatory Database (CRD) formerly known as LOLI (Lists of Lists), helps you gain regulatory intelligence.
CRD contains over 6,500 regulatory lists from over 130 countries around the world to assist in compliance with occupational, environmental, health, and safety regulations and in writing Safety Data Sheets and industrial labels for products and intermediaries.
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)
The CDC awarded RightAnswer with Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Grants to fund the research and development of a mobile application that offers information about the risks of medications during pregnancy.
— Phase I: 2015-2016
— Phase II: 2018-2019
AMPM, Inc. is an award-winning full-service creative agency, providing RightAnswer.com with outstanding design, marketing, and communications expertise. Our relationship spans many projects and over 20 years .
Avery Products Corporation manufactures printable labels, cards and more under the well-known Avery® brand. The company offers innovative solutions, including free templates to design, customize and print. RightAnswer and Avery work together to support Avery customers with:
— Advanced EHS/GHS labeling/SDS Document Systems
— EHS and regulatory compliance Knowledge Solutions
BIOVIA solutions create an unmatched scientific management environment that can help science-based organizations create and connect biological, chemical and material innovations to improve the way we live.
BIOVIA provides Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTECS) — one of Knowledge Solutions’ premier content providers.
One of RightAnswer’s premier SDS content providers for our Knowledge Solutions (M)SDSCollection™ System. When available, multi-language (M)SDSs (Spanish, French, German, etc.) are included.
ThermoFisher Scientific’s internationally recognized collection includes 18,000 (M)SDS for neat chemicals searchable by chemical name, CAS number, and EINECS.
ThermoFisher Scientific is one of RightAnswer’s premier SDS content providers for our Knowledge Solutions (M)SDSCollection™ System.
REPROTOX® is an information system developed by the Reproductive Toxicology Center for its members.
REPROTOX® contains summaries on the effects of medications, chemicals, infections, and physical agents on pregnancy, reproduction, and development. The REPROTOX® system was developed as an adjunct information source for clinicians, scientists, and government agencies. Patients should consult their health care providers rather than relying on REPROTOX® summaries.
REPROTOX contains summaries on the effects of medications, chemicals, biologics, and physical agents on pregnancy, reproduction, lactation, and development. REPROTOX® was developed as an adjunct information source for clinicians, scientists, and government agencies.
Patients should consult their health care providers rather than relying on REPROTOX® summaries.
A service of the non-profit Organization of Teratology Information Specialists (OTIS), specializing in answering questions about the safety/risk of exposures, such as medications, vaccines, chemicals, herbal products, substances of abuse, maternal health conditions and much more, during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
MotherToBaby Fact Sheets are provided in English and Spanish.
ChemIDplus is created from more than 100 sources. The core sources of substance records correspond to those substances that are cited in one or more of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) databases.
Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC)
The Michigan Economic Development Corporation, in collaboration with more than 100 economic development partners, markets Michigan as the place to do business and assists businesses in their growth strategies.
Mindcast provides hardware, software, and hosting support, as well as specialized programming services to RightAnswer.
Principals from Mindcast Software and RightAnswer have worked together over 20 years – since the early days of internet business-to-business application development.
Omni Tech has a broad, diverse team of consultants with a deep level of expertise and knowledge. Omni Tech International, Inc. and RightAnswer have worked together for over 20 years to meet unique customer needs.
Society for Chemical Hazard Communication (SCHC)
Society for Chemical Hazard Communication (SCHC) is a professional society committed to promoting knowledge and awareness in all areas of chemical hazard communication. If you are responsible for authoring labels or SDS, this organization may be just what you need.
RightAnswer is a long-time member and exhibitor at their annual fall conference.
Arab Health is a healthcare conference and trade show in the Middle East. Healthcare industry representatives attend from the Middle East, Asia, Europe and the US. Arab Health is supported by the UAE Ministry of Health, the Abu Dhabi Health Authority, the Dubai Health Authority and the Dubai Healthcare City Authority. The congress is one of the world’s largest medical conferences.
American Industrial Hygiene Association (IAHA)
American Industrial Hygiene Association (IAHA) is the association for scientists and professionals committed to preserving and ensuring occupational and environmental health and safety (OEHS) in the workplace and community. IAHA advances the profession by producing educational resources for members, connecting current and future industry leaders, and promoting the value of their practice to corporations and the general public.
Founded in 1961, the Society of Toxicology (SOT) is a professional and scholarly organization of scientists from academic institutions, government, and industry that represents the great variety of scientists who practice toxicology in the U.S. and abroad.
RightAnswer participates in the SOT ToxExpo each spring.
Global Chemical Regulations Conference & Exhibition (GlobalChem)
GlobalChem brings together representatives from chemical companies, academia, and scientific organizations with regulators from the U.S., Canada and elsewhere to discuss the latest regulatory trends and developments affecting chemicals.
RightAnswer.com has participated in this conference for several years.
The International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC)
IAFC Hazardous Materials Conference is the premier conference in the U.S. for hazardous materials responders, offering the most experienced speakers, up-to-date information, and the best hands-on training.
RightAnswer.com participates in this conference to support clients and prospects in the emergency responder market.
Society of Chemical Manufacturers & Affiliates (SOCMA)
The Society of Chemical Manufacturers & Affiliates (SOCMA) supports and fosters the growth of the specialty chemical industry by delivering legislative and regulatory advocacy, promoting the highest levels of safety, and strengthening business intelligence and manufacturing.
New Jersey Dept. of Health – NJ Fact Sheets
The NJ Fact Sheets are prepared for substances on the New Jersey Right to Know Hazardous Substance List. More than 1,600 Fact Sheets have been prepared (in both English and Spanish) on pure substances and contain information on health hazards, exposure limits, personal protective equipment, proper handling, first aid, and emergency procedures for fires and spills.
Empire Industries
Empire Industries works with RightAnswer to support some of our unique hardware, software, hosting and other high-tech needs.
We call them our “geeks for geeks.” We think they are OK with that.
Global Language Translation and Consulting
Global Language Translation and Consulting (GLTaC) is a leading provider of translation services for Safety Data Sheets and other documents. GLTAC has the world’s leading SDS translators working to ensure documents and phrase libraries are done correctly, both in terms of the terminology used and according to the applicable regulations.
RightAnswer.com and GLTaC have worked together for many years, supporting customer content translation needs.
Midland Business Alliance (MBA)
As the voice for Midland’s business community, the Midland Business Alliance advocates for strategic business issues that advance pro-business platforms at the local and state level.
By harnessing the power of more than 3,000 local businesses, the MBA collective voice is stronger than any individual business..
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)
The CDC awarded RightAnswer with Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Grants to fund the research and development of a mobile application that offers information about the risks of medications during pregnancy.
For more than 45 years, Micromedex has been one of the largest online reference databases for drug information. Micromedex facilitates evidence-based decision making in the areas of drug selection, disease and condition management, toxicology, and alternative medicine. Powered by Watson, IBM Micromedex uses AI to accelerate access to information.
Exclusive to RightAnswer for the EHS market from MICROMEDEX® Solutions from IBM Watson (formerly Truven Health Analytics Inc.):
— HAZARDTEXT™ Hazard Management
— MEDITEXT® Medical Management
— INFOTEXT® Regulations, Standards & General Information
— 1st Medical Response® Protocols
Asociacion de Especialistas en Prevencion y Salud Laboral
AEPSAL is an association that aims to bring together professionals from different disciplines and responsibilities in the field of occupational health and safety.